Statistics and meaning of name Sabhlok
We have no records about Sabhlok being used as firstname.
Surname Sabhlok is used at least 98 times in at least 5 countries.
Sabhlok reversed is Kolhbas
Name contains 7 letters - 28.57% vowels and 71.43% consonants.
Anagrams: Sbakhol Hlaskob
Misspells: Sobhlok Ssabhlok Sabhloka Sbahlok Sabhlko Sabholk
Rhymes: hallmark monarch stopcock crosswalk pockmark
Meaning of this name is unknown.
Prem Kumar Sabhlok says: Hari Singh Nalwa- the great Soldier was governor of Afghanistan and North West India. His one of the Army officer was highly cultured and civilized well dressed. He used to address him Sabhlok (Civlised person) In Panjabi Sabhyata (Civilisation) is spolken as Sabhta and Sabhyalok as Sabhlok. He allotted a huge area of land to him in Attock District of Panjab. Most of the Sabhloks belong to Pindigheb (District Attock). Sabhlok is thus a Title meaning cultured/civilised person.
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