Statistics and meaning of name Salahor
We have no records about Salahor being used as firstname.
Surname Salahor is used at least 40 times in at least 8 countries.
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Given names
Ion Salahor (3) Elisabeta Salahor (3) Elena Salahor (2) Cristian Salahor (2) Yasemin Salahor (1) Yusuf Salahor (1) Nuran Salahor (1) Murad Salahor (1) Margareta Salahor (1) Dumitru Salahor (1) Russell Salahor (1) Tina Salahor (1) Metin Salahor (1) |
Salahor reversed is Rohalas
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.
Anagrams: Slaraoh Ahlaors Ahasrol Alraohs Raslaoh Roahlas
Misspells: Solahor Salahol Salahorr Ssalahor Salahora Slaahor Salahro Salaohr
Rhymes: Senghor Thor abhor anchor author camphor coauthor palaver grasshopper
Meaning of name Salahor is: from the word 'salahor' = 'scrub , labourer'
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Domains - REGISTERED - FREE - FREE - REGISTERED | Old Wiki Name: Salahor Language: Romanian Meaning: from the word salahor = scrub , labourer Comments: |
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