Statistics and meaning of name Salcie

We have no records about Salcie being used as firstname.
Surname Salcie is used at least 59 times in at least 5 countries.
Origin of this name is Romanian.

      Surname Salcie
Given names
Maria Salcie (3)
Mihail Salcie (3)
Constantin Salcie (3)
Rodica Salcie (2)
Vasile Salcie (2)
Neculai Salcie (2)
Luminita Salcie (2)
Ioana Salcie (2)
Eugenia Salcie (2)
Viorica Salcie (2)
Gheorghe Salcie (2)
Florin Salcie (1)
Zina Salcie (1)
Petronela Salcie (1)
Violeta Salcie (1)
Mihai Salcie (1)
Florea Salcie (1)
Evghenia Salcie (1)
Gabi Salcie (1)
Marin Salcie (1)
Nicolae Salcie (1)
Angela Salcie (1)
Nistor Salcie (1)

Surname Salcie in USA   

Salcie reversed is Eiclas
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Alcesi Eacils Lsaice Celsia Icesla Alsiec
Misspells: Solcie Ssalcie Salcye Salcje Salcee Salciea Slacie Salcei Salice

Rhymes: Gracie Marcie Stacie Tracie specie hierarchy oligarchy patriarchy matriarchy folly

Meaning of name Salcie is: from the word 'salcie' = 'osier'
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany Russian Federation Poland Korea


Old Wiki
Name: Salcie
Language: Romanian
Meaning: from the word salcie = osier ; see also the toponymic name Salcia

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