Statistics and meaning of name Samaritan

Usage: 55% firstname, 45% surname.
Samaritan first name was found 34 times in 2 different countries. (USA,India)
Surname Samaritan is used at least 27 times in at least 8 countries.

      Surname Samaritan
Given names
Michele Samaritan (1)
Rosanna Samaritan (1)
Liliana Samaritan (1)
Giuseppe Samaritan (1)
Assunta Samaritan (1)
Alfredo Samaritan (1)

Surname Samaritan in Italy   Surname Samaritan in USA   

Samaritan reversed is Natiramas
Name contains 9 letters - 44.44% vowels and 55.56% consonants.

Anagrams: Rnaataims Mnaisrata Tinamasra Rasmaanit
Misspells: Somaritan Samalitan Samarritan Ssamaritan Samarytan Samarjtan Samaretan Samaritana Smaaritan Samaritna Samariatn

Rhymes: Puritan puritan Neapolitan Titan cosmopolitan metropolitan harridan jettison pemmican tribeswomen wellington

Meaning of this name is unknown.

annimusprime says: I know you're out there. I <3 you so much and for what you've been through, I show the most uplifting compassion for you. I care for you and am currently thinking of you as of recent, since mid-2014. "Samaritan is one of few rural facilities in new york state with a comprehensive." This is where you were back in 2004, were you not? I figure that was your temporary place for your base headquarters at that time, back than. Too much to list, I have many thoughts that can relate to your past, and I feel your pain in places that relate similarly to incidents within my personal life. If I have a consideration card, that would be from me, via my heart.

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany Italy Norway Netherlands Australia Sweden United Kingdom New Zealand United Arab Emirates


Writers: The Samaritans

Books: "SAMARITAN" "Samaritan's hospital" "Doctor Samaritan" "The good Samaritan" "The Samaritan" "The Good Samaritan" "The Samaritans"

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