Statistics and meaning of name Samarth

Usage: 72% firstname, 28% surname.
Samarth first name was found 632 times in 15 different countries.
Surname Samarth is used at least 234 times in at least 6 countries.
Origin of this name is Hindu.
Gender of firstname Samarth is 0% feminine and 100% masculine.

      Surname Samarth
Given names
Pravin Samarth (4)
Akshay Samarth (3)
Neeta Samarth (3)
Rajesh Samarth (2)
Sudarshan Samarth (2)
Urmila Samarth (2)
Sangeeta Samarth (2)
Akash Samarth (2)
Amruta Samarth (2)
Kishor Samarth (2)
Shivangi Samarth (1)
Amit Samarth (1)
Vandana Samarth (1)
Roopa Samarth (1)
Onkar Samarth (1)
Pushkar Samarth (1)
Pushka Samarth (1)
Mahesh Samarth (1)
Poopa Samarth (1)

Given name Samarth
Family names
Samarth Sanikop (3)
Samarth Choksy (2)
Samarth Rajan (2)
Samarth Santhosh (1)
Samarth Singhal (1)
Samarth Shekhar (1)
Samarth Deo (1)
Samarth Sharma (1)
Samarth Rattan (1)
Samarth Sinha (1)
Samarth Mehrotra (1)
Samarth Chaturvedi (1)
Samarth Bhartia (1)
Samarth Gakhar (1)
Samarth Ghorpade (1)
Samarth Khambholja (1)
Samarth Kabour (1)
Samarth Vourn (1)

Surname Samarth in USA   

Samarth reversed is Htramas
Name contains 7 letters - 28.57% vowels and 71.43% consonants.

Anagrams: Smahatr Hasmatr Htarmas
Misspells: Somarth Samalth Samarrth Ssamarth Samartha Smaarth Samarht Samatrh

Rhymes: Barth Darth Earth Garth Hogarth dearth earth

Meaning of name Samarth is: Lord Krishna
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States India Germany United Kingdom China Canada Singapore Thailand France Philippines Bahrain New Zealand Ireland Netherlands Satellite Provider


Writers: N. Samarth, Anita Samarth, Nitin Samarth

Books: "Sir Swami Samarth"

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