Statistics and meaning of name Samecki
We have no records about Samecki being used as firstname.
Surname Samecki is used at least 22 times in at least 2 countries. (UK,Poland)
Given names
Boguslaw Samecki (2) Jerzy Samecki (2) Daniel Samecki (2) Ryszard Samecki (2) Jacek Samecki (1) Czeslaw Samecki (1) Arkadiusz Samecki (1) Zdzislaw Samecki (1) Pawel Samecki (1) Wojciech Samecki (1) Stanislaw Samecki (1) Theresa Samecki (1) Marcin Samecki (1) Wieslaw Samecki (1) Krzysztof Samecki (1) Waclaw Samecki (1) Marian Samecki (1) Grzegorz Samecki (1) |
Samecki reversed is Ikcemas
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.
Anagrams: Ecmakis Ecasikm Saemick Cimeska Iasmekc Ikacmes Kicsema Eksimac
Misspells: Somecki Ssamecki Samecky Sameckj Samecke Sameckia Smaecki Samecik Samekci
Rhymes: Penderecki Vicki recce techie leggy ternary smelly
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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