Statistics and meaning of name Sammanasu
We have no records about Sammanasu being used as firstname.
Surname Sammanasu is used at least 11 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,India)
Sammanasu reversed is Usanammas
Name contains 9 letters - 44.44% vowels and 55.56% consonants.
Anagrams: Amsumnasa Sammausna Amnasusam
Misspells: Sommanasu Ssammanasu Sammanasua Smamanasu Sammanaus Sammansau
Rhymes: Amaterasu Ieyasu subhanahu kamandalu
Meaning of this name is unknown.
John Bosco says: Sammanasu is a Tamil word. Manasu means the essence of human. In other word Manasu is the soul or God's spirit. Man, therefore, is holy by his nature. Samm is a prefix and this word positively qualifies the any succeeding word. For example the Tamil word Thosham is a negative word. It means dirt, unhappiness, etc. When Samm is added with Thosham (Samm + Thosham ) it becomes a positive word ie Santhosham. It means happiness. Likewise Mansu is divine in man and Sammanasu is divine without any corrupting element. Sammanasu is normally considered a Tamil word for Angel. But Angel means messenger only. Sammanasu means not only divine messenger but also a protector, guide, inspiration, counsellor, friend, etc.
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