Statistics and meaning of name Santayana

Usage: 6% firstname, 94% surname.
Santayana first name was found 13 times in 2 different countries. (USA,Indonesia)
Surname Santayana is used at least 189 times in at least 12 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 桑塔亚纳 (pinyin: sāng tǎ yà nà)

      Surname Santayana
Given names
Maria Santayana (2)
Jose Santayana (2)
Rosa Santayana (2)
Liberta Santayana (1)
Luis Santayana (1)
Natividad Santayana (1)
Rafael Santayana (1)
Jesus Santayana (1)
Javier Santayana (1)
Cornelia Santayana (1)
Atenedoro Santayana (1)
Rani Santayana (1)
Alfonso Santayana (1)
Arsenia Santayana (1)
Fermin Santayana (1)
Celestino Santayana (1)
Kaviraj Santayana (1)

Surname Santayana in USA   

Santayana reversed is Anayatnas
Name contains 9 letters - 55.56% vowels and 44.44% consonants.

Anagrams: Atsanyana Satnaanya Natysanaa Naanasyta Anyanasat Aanasytan
Misspells: Sontayana Ssantayana Santaiana Santayanaa Snatayana Santayaan Santaynaa

Rhymes: Hinayana Mahayana Ramayana Guyana marihuana gonna marijuana wanna nirvana

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany Iraq Jordan Thailand Egypt Switzerland Sweden France Romania Indonesia


Writers: George Santayana, Georges Santayana, Jess Pardo de Santayana

Books: "George Santayana" "On Santayana" "George Santayana: a biography" "The works of George Santayana" "Poems of George Santayana" "The philosophy of George Santayana" "The moral philosophy of Santayana" "George Santayana: A Biography" "Santayana: Thinkers of Our Time"

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