Statistics and meaning of name Sargentelli

We have no records about Sargentelli being used as firstname.
Surname Sargentelli is used at least 54 times in at least 4 countries.

      Surname Sargentelli
Given names
Ubaldo Sargentelli (1)
Roberto Sargentelli (1)
Roberta Sargentelli (1)
Pierangelo Sargentelli (1)
Giorgio Sargentelli (1)

Surname Sargentelli in Italy   Surname Sargentelli in USA   

Sargentelli reversed is Illetnegras
Name contains 11 letters - 36.36% vowels and 63.64% consonants.

Misspells: Sorgentelli Salgentelli Sarrgentelli Ssargentelli Sargentelly Sargentellj Sargentelle Sargentellia Sragentelli Sargentelil

Rhymes: Botticelli Kelli Machiavelli Minnelli Torricelli Zeffirelli celli underbelly vermicelli potbelly belly allele

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Italy Russian Federation Brazil

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