Statistics and meaning of name Sartisohn
We have no records about Sartisohn being used as firstname.
Surname Sartisohn is used at least 38 times in at least 5 countries.
Given names
Andreas Sartisohn (2) Walter Sartisohn (2) Johannes Sartisohn (2) Konrad Sartisohn (1) Johan Sartisohn (1) Maria Sartisohn (1) Viktor Sartisohn (1) Olga Sartisohn (1) Wladimir Sartisohn (1) Wilhelm Sartisohn (1) Ira Sartisohn (1) Natalie Sartisohn (1) Helmut Sartisohn (1) Christian Sartisohn (1) Berta Sartisohn (1) Jacob Sartisohn (1) Laura Sartisohn (1) Erna Sartisohn (1) Ewald Sartisohn (1) Helene Sartisohn (1) Hedwig Sartisohn (1) Hans Sartisohn (1) Henning Sartisohn (1) |
Sartisohn reversed is Nhositras
Name contains 9 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.
Misspells: Sortisohn Saltisohn Sarrtisohn Ssartisohn Sartysohn Sartjsohn Sartesohn Sartisohna Sratisohn Sartisonh Sartishon
Rhymes: Mendelssohn John Upjohn demijohn john partisan nonpartisan charlatan harlequin ottoman
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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