Statistics and meaning of name Schircks

We have no records about Schircks being used as firstname.
Surname Schircks is used at least 9 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,Switzerland)

Given names
Reto Schircks (1)
Monika Schircks (1)
Arnulf Schircks (1)
Christa Schircks (1)
Francine Schircks (1)
Rahel Schircks (1)
Eric Schircks (1)

Surname Schircks in Switzerland   

Schircks reversed is Skcrihcs
Name contains 8 letters - 12.50% vowels and 87.50% consonants.

Misspells: Schilcks Schirrcks Sschircks Schyrcks Schjrcks Schercks Schircksa Shcircks Schircsk Schirkcs

Rhymes: Adirondacks Attucks Blacks Cossacks Goldilocks Hendricks Hicks six fix mix sticks picks

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: Switzerland United States Europe Japan

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