Statistics and meaning of name Schiuma

We have no records about Schiuma being used as firstname.
Surname Schiuma is used at least 139 times in at least 6 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 斯基乌马 (pinyin: sī jī wū mǎ)

      Surname Schiuma
Given names
Nicola Schiuma (11)
Eustachio Schiuma (9)
Giuseppe Schiuma (7)
Michele Schiuma (6)
Giovanni Schiuma (4)
Vincenzo Schiuma (3)
Rosa Schiuma (3)
Federico Schiuma (3)
Angelo Schiuma (3)
Angela Schiuma (3)
Antonio Schiuma (2)
Mario Schiuma (2)
Bruno Schiuma (2)
Concetta Schiuma (2)
Tommaso Schiuma (2)
Vito Schiuma (2)
Domenico Schiuma (2)
Damiano Schiuma (2)
Nunziata Schiuma (1)
Natale Schiuma (1)
Anna Schiuma (1)
Rita Schiuma (1)
Saverio Schiuma (1)
Marcel Schiuma (1)
Tina Schiuma (1)
Luigi Schiuma (1)
Samuele Schiuma (1)
Roberto Schiuma (1)
Giuliano Schiuma (1)
Enrico Schiuma (1)
Enzo Schiuma (1)
Emanuele Schiuma (1)
Elisabetta Schiuma (1)
Cesare Schiuma (1)
Cosimo Schiuma (1)
Camilla Schiuma (1)
Euustachio Schiuma (1)
Carmela Schiuma (1)
Gregorio Schiuma (1)
Bruna Schiuma (1)
Gino Schiuma (1)
Faustina Schiuma (1)
Gianni Schiuma (1)
Lucia Schiuma (1)

Surname Schiuma in Italy   Surname Schiuma in USA   

Schiuma reversed is Amuihcs
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Iucsamh Scihaum Chaimus Amcuhis Mausihc Imsahcu
Misspells: Schiumo Sschiuma Schyuma Schjuma Scheuma Schiumaa Shciuma Schiuam Schimua

Rhymes: Montezuma puma trauma summa satsuma tuna duenna

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Italy Argentina Jordan Iraq Egypt Korea United Arab Emirates Syrian Arab Republic


Writers: Giovanni Schiuma, Carlo Schiuma

Books: "La tempesta-Sabbia e schiuma" "La schiuma dei giorni"

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