Statistics and meaning of name Schouwenaar

We have no records about Schouwenaar being used as firstname.
Surname Schouwenaar is used at least 107 times in at least 11 countries.

      Surname Schouwenaar
Given names
John Schouwenaar (3)
Josephine Schouwenaar (3)
Pieter Schouwenaar (1)
Paul Schouwenaar (1)
Johannes Schouwenaar (1)
Henny Schouwenaar (1)
Elizabeth Schouwenaar (1)

Schouwenaar reversed is Raanewuohcs
Name contains 11 letters - 45.45% vowels and 54.55% consonants.

Anagrams: Chawsuorean Wceuhsanroa Cheowasurna Wnaehsocuar
Misspells: Schouwenoar Schouwenaal Schouwenaarr Sschouwenaar Schouvvenaar Schouwenaara Shcouwenaar Schouwenara

Rhymes: Paar Saar bazaar pseudobulbar postbulbar

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Willem Schouwenaar says: The name schouwenaar comes from the former island Schouwen in the dutch province Zeeland (sealand). Somebody living would in dutch be called a schouwenaar. The former island is now part of the (dutch) region Schouwen-Duiveland. Although there are of course other possibilities the name has dutch origines, as is shown by the numbers!

This page has been visited from the following countries: Netherlands United States Australia Belgium Canada United Kingdom Sweden


Famous people: Clem Schouwenaars

Writers: Clem Schouwenaars

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