Statistics and meaning of name Schweiggl
We have no records about Schweiggl being used as firstname.
Surname Schweiggl is used at least 43 times in at least 2 countries. (Italy,Austria)
Given names
Martin Schweiggl (4) Helmut Schweiggl (4) Sigmund Schweiggl (3) Anton Schweiggl (2) Karin Schweiggl (2) Bernhard Schweiggl (2) Hermann Schweiggl (2) Heinrich Schweiggl (2) Krista Schweiggl (1) Julia Schweiggl (1) Patricia Schweiggl (1) Oswald Schweiggl (1) Dietmar Schweiggl (1) Astrid Schweiggl (1) Waltraud Schweiggl (1) Christine Schweiggl (1) Johann Schweiggl (1) Emil Schweiggl (1) Josef Schweiggl (1) Margherita Schweiggl (1) Claudia Schweiggl (1) Christoph Schweiggl (1) Gundi Schweiggl (1) |
![Surname Schweiggl in Austria Surname Schweiggl in Austria](/img/Austria/Schweiggl.jpg)
![Surname Schweiggl in Italy Surname Schweiggl in Italy](/img/Italy/Schweiggl.jpg)
Schweiggl reversed is Lggiewhcs
Name contains 9 letters - 22.22% vowels and 77.78% consonants.
Misspells: Sschweiggl Schweyggl Schvveiggl Schwejggl Schweeggl Schweiggla Shcweiggl Schweiglg
Rhymes: cycle recycle motorcycle kilocycle unicycle
Meaning of this name is unknown.
Martin Schweiggl says: Schweiggl wird vom baiuvarischen Rufnamen Schweik abgeleitet. Frühe Beurkundung in Kurtatsch/Südtirol (Italien): latinisiert vor 1300 Swikerius, 1391 Sweyklinus, 1412 Sweiklein, 1454, 1496, 1528, 1552 Schweykl, ab ca.1600 Schweiggl.
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![Europe:2 Europe](/img/Europe-flag.png)
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