Statistics and meaning of name Scupin
We have no records about Scupin being used as firstname.
Surname Scupin is used at least 56 times in at least 8 countries.
Origin of this name is Ukrainian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 斯库平 (pinyin: sī kù píng)
Given names
Maria Scupin (4) Fahrschule Scupin (1) Doris Scupin (1) Britta Scupin (1) Veronica Scupin (1) |
Scupin reversed is Nipucs
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.
Anagrams: Spuicn Uscipn Pnusic Sucinp Cusinp
Misspells: Sscupin Scupyn Scupjn Scupen Scupina Sucpin Scupni Scuipn
Rhymes: lupin Chopin Pepin Pippin Stolypin Turpin backspin scrubbing flooding clutching grudging strutting
Meaning of name Scupin is: from the Ukrainian word 'skupij' = 'churl' plus the Slavonic suffix '-in' ; see also the Polish name [Skupinski]
Rüdiger Scupin says: Nach meiner Ermittlung stammt der Name aus Russland. Ein Fürst Skopin Schuisky könnt einer unserer Vorfahren sein. Er war ein Neffe Iwan des Schrecklichen.
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Domains - REGISTERED - REGISTERED - FREE - REGISTERED | Old Wiki Name: Scupin Language: Romanian Origin: Ukrainian Meaning: from the Ukrainian word skupij = churl plus the Slavonic suffix -in ; see also the Polish name Skupinski Comments: |
Writers: Raymond Scupin, Hans Ulrich Scupin
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