Statistics and meaning of name Sebasti

Usage: 76% firstname, 24% surname.
Sebasti first name was found 171 times in 6 different countries.
Surname Sebasti is used at least 52 times in at least 8 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 塞巴斯蒂 (pinyin: sāi bā sī dì)

      Surname Sebasti
Given names
Lorenza Sebasti (2)
Franco Sebasti (2)
Fabio Sebasti (2)
Jean Sebasti (2)
David Sebasti (2)
Lionello Sebasti (2)
Manuela Sebasti (2)
Annie Sebasti (1)
Rodolphe Sebasti (1)
Claude Sebasti (1)
Christel Sebasti (1)
Julien Sebasti (1)
Carmen Sebasti (1)
Mercedes Sebasti (1)
Simone Sebasti (1)
Mireille Sebasti (1)
Sergio Sebasti (1)
Georgette Sebasti (1)
Massimina Sebasti (1)
Giancarlo Sebasti (1)
Fausto Sebasti (1)
Fabiana Sebasti (1)
Ettore Sebasti (1)
Ivana Sebasti (1)
Lavinia Sebasti (1)
Raffaella Sebasti (1)
Maurizio Sebasti (1)
Alessandro Sebasti (1)
Livia Sebasti (1)
Rinaldo Sebasti (1)

Given name Sebasti
Family names
Sebasti Pecourt (1)
Sebasti Grenouilleau (1)
Sebasti Szczyglowski (1)
Sebasti Yver (1)
Sebasti Almeida (1)
Sebasti Doutreligne (1)
Sebasti Desrousseaux (1)
Sebasti Nicolleau (1)
Sebasti Bettinger (1)
Sebasti Cayuela (1)
Sebasti Deroualliere (1)
Sebasti Steyne (1)

Surname Sebasti in France   Surname Sebasti in Italy   Surname Sebasti in USA   

Sebasti reversed is Itsabes
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Asbetis Asesitb Seabist Sibaste Iesbats Itesbas Tissabe Atsibes
Misspells: Sebosti Ssebasti Sebasty Sebastj Sebaste Sebastia Sbeasti Sebasit Sebatsi

Rhymes: antipasti Christi Kristi nasty pederasty angioplasty crafty drafty

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Italy Germany United Kingdom Ukraine Czech Republic France Australia


Writers: Marie-Ange Calvet-Sebasti, Colonel Sebasti Moran

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