Statistics and meaning of name Secrieriu

We have no records about Secrieriu being used as firstname.
Surname Secrieriu is used at least 49 times in at least 2 countries. (Romania,Spain)
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 塞克列留 (pinyin: sāi kè liè liú)

Given names
Gheorghe Secrieriu (4)
Elena Secrieriu (3)
Mihai Secrieriu (2)
Mihail Secrieriu (2)
Ana Secrieriu (2)
Niculita Secrieriu (2)
Vasile Secrieriu (2)
Valer Secrieriu (2)
Ortanta Secrieriu (2)
Elisaveta Secrieriu (2)
Ioan Secrieriu (2)
Catalin Secrieriu (2)
Constantin Secrieriu (2)
Anica Secrieriu (2)
Constache Secrieriu (1)
Veronica Secrieriu (1)
Silvia Secrieriu (1)
Carmen Secrieriu (1)
Zinica Secrieriu (1)
Costache Secrieriu (1)
Cristina Secrieriu (1)
Danut Secrieriu (1)
Ion Secrieriu (1)
Ionel Secrieriu (1)
Mariea Secrieriu (1)
Maria Secrieriu (1)
Eugeniu Secrieriu (1)

Secrieriu reversed is Uireirces
Name contains 9 letters - 55.56% vowels and 44.44% consonants.

Anagrams: Curesiire Uriiserec
Misspells: Seclieriu Secrrieriu Ssecrieriu Secryeriu Secrjeriu Secreeriu Secrieriua Scerieriu Secrierui Secrieiru

Rhymes: releiue liniiu beleiue firiu dyiou

Meaning of name Secrieriu is: the same as [Secrieru]
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Romania France Germany Austria


Old Wiki
Name: Secrieriu
Language: Romanian
Meaning: the same as Secrieru

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