Statistics and meaning of name Secuianu

We have no records about Secuianu being used as firstname.
Surname Secuianu is used at least 126 times in at least 4 countries.
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 塞库亚努 (pinyin: sāi kù yà nǔ)

      Surname Secuianu
Given names
Constantin Secuianu (6)
Maria Secuianu (6)
Gheorghe Secuianu (5)
Nicolae Secuianu (4)
Florin Secuianu (4)
Vasile Secuianu (4)
Georgeta Secuianu (4)
Aurel Secuianu (3)
Marcel Secuianu (3)
Alexandru Secuianu (3)
Safta Secuianu (3)
Mihai Secuianu (3)
Viorel Secuianu (3)
Cristea Secuianu (3)
Elena Secuianu (3)
Neculai Secuianu (2)
Stana Secuianu (2)
Leonora Secuianu (2)
Petru Secuianu (2)
Petre Secuianu (2)
Stefan Secuianu (2)
Melania Secuianu (2)
Toader Secuianu (2)
Gelu Secuianu (2)
Constanta Secuianu (2)
Emil Secuianu (2)
Daniel Secuianu (2)
Ilie Secuianu (2)
Toma Secuianu (2)
Gogu Secuianu (2)
Cristian Secuianu (2)
Andreea Secuianu (1)
Tudorita Secuianu (1)
Gilbert Secuianu (1)
Niculina Secuianu (1)
Iulia Secuianu (1)
Dumitru Secuianu (1)
Felicia Secuianu (1)
Doina Secuianu (1)
Camelia Secuianu (1)
Aneta Secuianu (1)
George Secuianu (1)
Iancu Secuianu (1)
Mircea Secuianu (1)
Natalia Secuianu (1)
Marin Secuianu (1)
Ion Secuianu (1)
Ioana Secuianu (1)
Nicoleta Secuianu (1)

Secuianu reversed is Unaiuces
Name contains 8 letters - 62.50% vowels and 37.50% consonants.

Anagrams: Uacsinue Aisucneu
Misspells: Secuionu Ssecuianu Secuyanu Secujanu Secueanu Secuianua Sceuianu Secuiaun Secuinau

Rhymes: manu yahoo fondu impromptu

Meaning of name Secuianu is: from the toponymic names 'Secuieni' , 'Secuia' , 'Secuiul'
This page has been visited from the following countries: Romania United States Italy Belgium United Kingdom Brazil France Germany Thailand Slovakia Greece Australia Ireland Netherlands Sweden Turkey Denmark


Old Wiki
Name: Secuianu
Language: Romanian
Meaning: from the toponymic names Secuieni , Secuia , Secuiul

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