Statistics and meaning of name Seculici

We have no records about Seculici being used as firstname.
Surname Seculici is used at least 31 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,Romania)
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 塞库利奇 (pinyin: sāi kù lì jī)

Given names
Alexandru Seculici (4)
Maria Seculici (4)
Gheorghe Seculici (4)
Ivan Seculici (2)
Ioana Seculici (2)
Gordana Seculici (2)
Gabriel Seculici (2)
Delia Seculici (2)
Victoria Seculici (1)
Velco Seculici (1)
Silvia Seculici (1)
Elisabeta Seculici (1)

Seculici reversed is Iciluces
Name contains 8 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Usceilci Ccuileis Ilsuccei
Misspells: Sseculici Seculyci Seculjci Seculeci Seculicia Sceulici Seculiic Seculcii

Rhymes: umbilici Medici screechy screechier preachy preachier

Meaning of name Seculici is: from name 'Secula' plus the suffix '-ici' ; see also the toponymic name 'Secule;ti'
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Old Wiki
Name: Seculici
Language: Romanian
Meaning: from name Secula plus the suffix -ici ; see also the toponymic name Seculeşti

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