Statistics and meaning of name Segesdy

We have no records about Segesdy being used as firstname.
Surname Segesdy is used at least 45 times in at least 5 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 谢盖什迪 (pinyin: xiè gài shén dí)

      Surname Segesdy
Given names
Gary Segesdy (3)
Stella Segesdy (3)
Clare Segesdy (3)
Jennifer Segesdy (2)
Iosif Segesdy (2)
Janosne Segesdy (2)
Beverly Segesdy (2)
Robert Segesdy (1)
Sarah Segesdy (1)
Sandie Segesdy (1)
Teresa Segesdy (1)
Lajosne Segesdy (1)
Vendel Segesdy (1)
Nicholas Segesdy (1)
Katarzyna Segesdy (1)
Ferenc Segesdy (1)
Connor Segesdy (1)
Claire Segesdy (1)
Gabor Segesdy (1)
Jessica Segesdy (1)
Lajos Segesdy (1)
Jose Segesdy (1)
Lorraine Segesdy (1)

Surname Segesdy in USA   

Segesdy reversed is Ydseges
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Esgedys Esesydg Seegysd Sygesde Yesgeds Ydesges Dyssege Edsyges
Misspells: Ssegesdy Segesdi Segesdya Sgeesdy Segesyd Segedsy

Rhymes: seemingly feelingly heatedly scenically secretly

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Tibor Kecskés says: Hungarian family name. Origin: there is a very ancient village (1000 years old) in Hungary, Somogy County. Meaning of the name: person originated from Segesd. The "y" at the end indicates that the person belongs to the nobility (this is Europe:-) )

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