Statistics and meaning of name Sehannie

We have no records about Sehannie being used as firstname.
Surname Sehannie is used at least 7 times in at least 3 countries.

      Surname Sehannie
Given names
Trevor Sehannie (1)
Eryn Sehannie (1)

Sehannie reversed is Einnahes
Name contains 8 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Asheenin Ihannees Iehenasn Nehisaen Ieshanen Enehisna Hnenisea
Misspells: Sehonnie Ssehannie Sehannye Sehannje Sehannee Sehanniea Sheannie Sehannei Sehanine

Rhymes: Dannie Fannie Jannie Jeannie Nannie grannie Annie fanny canny nanny cranny granny

Meaning of this name is unknown.

June Sehannie says: Sehannie - the most people with the name Sehannie actually live in South Africa. Those in USA and possibly UK left South Africa.
June Sehannie says: I located the surname Sehannie on a passenger ship from England to USA about 1849. Passenger Mary Sehannie from Ireland, single, age 20. No trace after that. We were always told the name was Italian but never any trace of Italian including first names. All English names. Cannot trace it back to Ireland or Italy. In fact nowhere. The first trace of a Sehannie we can find is Michael Henry born in Karratera district Western Cape in 1902. No trace of parents. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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