Statistics and meaning of name Sehmsdorf

We have no records about Sehmsdorf being used as firstname.
Surname Sehmsdorf is used at least 40 times in at least 5 countries.

      Surname Sehmsdorf
Given names
Michael Sehmsdorf (2)
Katharina Sehmsdorf (2)
Wulf Sehmsdorf (2)
Angelika Sehmsdorf (2)
Gottfried Sehmsdorf (1)
Heinz Sehmsdorf (1)
Manuela Sehmsdorf (1)
Waltraud Sehmsdorf (1)
Elke Sehmsdorf (1)
Johannes Sehmsdorf (1)
Dirk Sehmsdorf (1)
Esther Sehmsdorf (1)
Barbara Sehmsdorf (1)
Oliver Sehmsdorf (1)
Wiebke Sehmsdorf (1)
Andreas Sehmsdorf (1)
Albert Sehmsdorf (1)
Eckhardt Sehmsdorf (1)

Surname Sehmsdorf in Austria   Surname Sehmsdorf in Germany   Surname Sehmsdorf in USA   

Sehmsdorf reversed is Frodsmhes
Name contains 9 letters - 22.22% vowels and 77.78% consonants.

Misspells: Sehmsdolf Sehmsdorrf Ssehmsdorf Sehmsdorfa Shemsdorf Sehmsdofr Sehmsdrof

Rhymes: Düsseldorf Waldorf sendoff selloff checkoff

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Conrado Augusto Sehmsdorf says: Vivo en Argentina y por lo que se Sehmsdorf que es mi apellido porque en Argentina hay personas de ese apellido que son todos familiares miso no hay otros significa Pueblo de la Mostaza
Conrado Augusto Sehmsdorf says: Hay Sehmsdorf tambien en Argentina
Conrado Augusto Sehmsdorf says: Significa pueblo de la Mostaza

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany Argentina Switzerland Thailand Netherlands Russian Federation Australia Hungary Portugal


Writers: Henning K. Sehmsdorf

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