Statistics and meaning of name Selhofer

We have no records about Selhofer being used as firstname.
Surname Selhofer is used at least 42 times in at least 3 countries.

      Surname Selhofer
Given names
Eva Selhofer (2)
Josef Selhofer (2)
Simone Selhofer (1)
Susanne Selhofer (1)
Sven Selhofer (1)
Ruth Selhofer (1)
Renate Selhofer (1)
Ruprecht Selhofer (1)
Adalbert Selhofer (1)
Birgit Selhofer (1)
Hans Selhofer (1)
Alice Selhofer (1)
Philipp Selhofer (1)
Alfred Selhofer (1)
Karin Selhofer (1)
Michael Selhofer (1)
Henri Selhofer (1)
Gerhard Selhofer (1)
Margarete Selhofer (1)
Gertrude Selhofer (1)
Hannes Selhofer (1)
Gabriele Selhofer (1)
Eveline Selhofer (1)
Cazilia Selhofer (1)
Erna Selhofer (1)
Hansjorg Selhofer (1)
Heidemarie Selhofer (1)
Margareta Selhofer (1)
Andreas Selhofer (1)
Irmgard Selhofer (1)
Irene Selhofer (1)
Hermine Selhofer (1)
Hubert Selhofer (1)
Martin Selhofer (1)

Surname Selhofer in Austria   Surname Selhofer in Switzerland   

Selhofer reversed is Refohles
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.

Anagrams: Erheflos
Misspells: Selhofel Selhoferr Sselhofer Selhofera Slehofer Selhofre Selhoefr

Rhymes: gofer twofer woofer Bonhoeffer Jenifer Jennifer Loafer proffer father salver bother washer

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Hans Selhofer says: Etymology for Selhofer is "Soul of the Court" and probably refers to medieval clergy. Sel=Seele=Soul. Hofer=Hof=Court

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Austria Switzerland Australia Germany Thailand Russian Federation Dominican Republic Slovenia France


Writers: Hans Selhofer

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