Statistics and meaning of name Selikovsky

We have no records about Selikovsky being used as firstname.
Surname Selikovsky is used at least 12 times in at least 2 countries. (Austria,Russia)

Given names
Karin Selikovsky (2)
Erika Selikovsky (2)
Johann Selikovsky (2)
Markus Selikovsky (1)
Friedrich Selikovsky (1)
Elfriede Selikovsky (1)

Surname Selikovsky in Austria   

Selikovsky reversed is Yksvokiles
Name contains 10 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Ikesvokysl Koekyssilv
Misspells: Sselikovsky Selykovsky Selikovski Selikobsky Seljkovsky Selekovsky Selikovskya Sleikovsky Selikovsyk Selikovksy

Rhymes: Tchaikovsky Tsiolkovsky Dostoevsky Lobachevsky Nevsky Stanislavsky fricassee oligarchy vulgarly hierarchy melancholy

Meaning of this name is unknown.
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