Statistics and meaning of name Selisker

Usage: 3% firstname, 97% surname.
Selisker first name was found 3 times in 1 different countries. (USA)
Surname Selisker is used at least 86 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,New Zealand)


Surname Selisker in USA   

Selisker reversed is Reksiles
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.

Anagrams: Islersek Eliksers Selesirk Rseleski Lkesesri
Misspells: Seliskel Seliskerr Sselisker Selysker Seljsker Selesker Seliskera Sleisker Seliskre Selisekr

Rhymes: brisker whisker husker Baedeker Baker flicker slicker liquor

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Tomaz Mirnik says: Selisker is definitely a toponymic surname of Slovene origin. A more common variant is Seliškar. (Some known Slovenes bear/bore this surname, e.g. Tone Seliškar, a poet and author.) It denotes an inhabitant of Selišče, the settlement in Tolmin district or in Dolenjske Toplice municipality. [The source:]
Tomaz Mirnik says: Selisker is a variant of Slovene surname Seliškar. It's a toponymic surname; it denotes the inhabitant of Selišče, the settlement in Tolmin district or in municipality of Dolenjske Toplice. Known bearer of this surname was Tone Seliškar, Slovene poet and author.
Tomaz Mirnik says: Selisker is of Slovene origin; it's a variant of Slovene surname Selishkar*. It's a toponymic surname; it denotes the inhabitant of Selishche*, the settlement in Tolmin district or in municipality of Dolenjske Toplice. Known bearer of this surname was Tone Selishkar*, Slovene poet and author. A note: it looks like this application doesn't permit Slovene special characters, namely sibilants. I marked the words contaning them with asterix; instead of 's caron' I wrote 'sh' (pronounced as in 'fisher'), and instead of 'c caron' I wrote 'ch' (pronounced as in 'cheese'). So in the surname Selisker the second 's' is actually 's caron' ...

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