Statistics and meaning of name Sellemond

We have no records about Sellemond being used as firstname.
Surname Sellemond is used at least 27 times in at least 2 countries. (Italy,Austria)

Given names
Hubert Sellemond (2)
Robert Sellemond (2)
Martin Sellemond (1)
Karin Sellemond (1)
Klaudia Sellemond (1)
Werner Sellemond (1)
Fritz Sellemond (1)
Oswald Sellemond (1)
Hansjorg Sellemond (1)
Roland Sellemond (1)
Marlene Sellemond (1)
Annelies Sellemond (1)
Annamaria Sellemond (1)
Alois Sellemond (1)
Augustin Sellemond (1)
Herbert Sellemond (1)
Alfons Sellemond (1)
Klaus Sellemond (1)
Josef Sellemond (1)
Gregor Sellemond (1)

Surname Sellemond in Austria   Surname Sellemond in Italy   

Sellemond reversed is Dnomelles
Name contains 9 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Misspells: Ssellemond Sellemonda Slelemond Sellemodn Sellemnod

Rhymes: Desmond Edmond Hammond Raymond Redmond Richmond Thurmond clement inclement lieutenant tenant pennant

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: Austria Italy United States Germany France Europe Switzerland


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