Statistics and meaning of name Shelah

Usage: 92% firstname, 8% surname.
Shelah first name was found 658 times in 15 different countries.
Surname Shelah is used at least 53 times in at least 6 countries.
Origin of this name is Biblical.
Gender of firstname Shelah is 100% feminine and 0% masculine.

      Surname Shelah
Given names
Nega Shelah (1)
Hamdi Shelah (1)

Given name Shelah
Family names
Shelah Sedi (4)
Shelah Whitworth (1)
Shelah Mhlanga (1)
Shelah Nasser (1)
Shelah Cawson (1)
Shelah Panganiban (1)
Shelah Brouwer (1)
Shelah Davidson (1)
Shelah Eakins (1)
Shelah Odell (1)
Shelah Alterton (1)
Shelah Berens (1)
Shelah Bellis (1)
Shelah Balgobin (1)
Shelah Voice (1)
Shelah Saleh (1)
Shelah Cheatle (1)
Shelah Florey (1)
Shelah Dzama (1)
Shelah Dutta (1)
Shelah Allen (1)

Surname Shelah in USA   

Shelah reversed is Halehs
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Sleahh Eshalh Lhesah Sehahl Hesahl
Misspells: Sheloh Sshelah Shelaha Sehlah Shelha Shealh

Rhymes: Methuselah Allah Bahaullah Beulah Delilah Gullah Hezbollah fella novella patella rubella flagella

Meaning of name Shelah is: Means "petition" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament this is the name of both a grandson of Shem and a son of Judah.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Philippines Bahrain Norway Switzerland Thailand United Kingdom Netherlands Canada Zimbabwe


Writers: Saharon Shelah, Shelah Gilbert Leader, Shelah J. Slade, Rosa Alexander with shELAH

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