Statistics and meaning of name Siblo
We have no records about Siblo being used as firstname.
Surname Siblo is used at least 14 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,Czech Republic)
Given names
Vaclav Siblo (1) |
Siblo reversed is Olbis
Name contains 5 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Sibol Ilsob Lobis Osilb Silob Silbo Bilos Sbiol
Misspells: Ssiblo Syblo Sjblo Seblo Sibloa Sbilo Sibol Silbo
Rhymes: Pablo Pueblo pueblo hydro silo psycho hypo sino
Meaning of this name is unknown.
John Dibloni says: Siblo means, together in Lobi language from Gaoua sud-ouest of Burkina Faso and the name was used by the King of that village called Laho or niwè-youor for his herbal clinic. But I can see that there are many others company using that name I don’t know what does the name for them. But the only thing that I know about that man, his is a king that as special powers and was able to do some strength things and was sent to Spain his name is KOKAR DIBLONI but his as many names,
Julien says: in somewhere in africa, this name means group
DA sié Dieubeni Daniel dit Ko says: Le nom Siblo veux dire en langue lobi du Burkina
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