Statistics and meaning of name Siblo

We have no records about Siblo being used as firstname.
Surname Siblo is used at least 14 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,Czech Republic)

Given names
Vaclav Siblo (1)

Surname Siblo in USA   

Siblo reversed is Olbis
Name contains 5 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Sibol Ilsob Lobis Osilb Silob Silbo Bilos Sbiol
Misspells: Ssiblo Syblo Sjblo Seblo Sibloa Sbilo Sibol Silbo

Rhymes: Pablo Pueblo pueblo hydro silo psycho hypo sino

Meaning of this name is unknown.

John Dibloni says: Siblo means, together in Lobi language from Gaoua sud-ouest of Burkina Faso and the name was used by the King of that village called Laho or niwè-youor for his herbal clinic. But I can see that there are many others company using that name I don’t know what does the name for them. But the only thing that I know about that man, his is a king that as special powers and was able to do some strength things and was sent to Spain his name is KOKAR DIBLONI but his as many names,
Julien says: in somewhere in africa, this name means group
DA sié Dieubeni Daniel dit Ko says: Le nom Siblo veux dire en langue lobi du Burkina Siblo international est le nom de la de la société pharmacopée avec pour base au Ghana qu'à créé mon Grand père du nom de DIBLONI Kokar un Homme d'une très grande renommée

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