Statistics and meaning of name Sibor

We have no records about Sibor being used as firstname.
Surname Sibor is used at least 28 times in at least 5 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 西博尔 (pinyin: xī bó ěr)

      Surname Sibor
Given names
Jaroslav Sibor (3)
Milos Sibor (1)
Kamil Sibor (1)
Pavel Sibor (1)
Vaclav Sibor (1)
Vladimir Sibor (1)
Josef Sibor (1)
Jean Sibor (1)
Irma Sibor (1)
Maria Sibor (1)
Alois Sibor (1)
Emil Sibor (1)
Andre Sibor (1)

Surname Sibor in USA   

Sibor reversed is Robis
Name contains 5 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Sibro Orbis Rsiob Siorb Siobr Ribos Biors Sbiro
Misspells: Sibol Siborr Ssibor Sybor Sjbor Sebor Sibora Sbior Sibro Siobr

Rhymes: arbor belabor harbor labor neighbor fitter shipper sitter hitter zipper

Meaning of name Sibor is: Former Norwegian dialectal form (Oppland) of Sigbjørg
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany Saudi Arabia Netherlands France Czech Republic China


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