Statistics and meaning of name Sicouly

We have no records about Sicouly being used as firstname.
Surname Sicouly is used at least 26 times in at least 2 countries. (France,Argentina)

Given names
Jean Sicouly (2)
Victoire Sicouly (1)
Madeleine Sicouly (1)
Alain Sicouly (1)
Bruno Sicouly (1)
Julien Sicouly (1)
Aurelia Sicouly (1)
Richard Sicouly (1)
Sophie Sicouly (1)
Sandrine Sicouly (1)
Fernand Sicouly (1)
Charles Sicouly (1)
Jeannette Sicouly (1)
Laure Sicouly (1)
Nicole Sicouly (1)
Marcelle Sicouly (1)
Bernard Sicouly (1)

Surname Sicouly in France   

Sicouly reversed is Yluocis
Name contains 7 letters - 57.14% vowels and 42.86% consonants.

Anagrams: Oucilys Siocyul Icyolus Uycosli Yiscolu Yliucos Lyusoci Olsyciu
Misspells: Ssicouly Sycouly Sicouli Sjcouly Secouly Sicoulya Sciouly Sicouyl Sicoluy

Rhymes: July duly truly unduly unruly slowly coli goalie shallowly hollowly

Meaning of this name is unknown.

sicouly alain says: Ce nom vient de la région de Naples et probablement de Sicile orthographié(siculi).Une peuplade (les sicules) a occupé la Sicile il y a plusieurs siècles.

This page has been visited from the following countries: France United States Italy Europe Argentina

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