Statistics and meaning of name Siejda

We have no records about Siejda being used as firstname.
Surname Siejda is used at least 21 times in at least 2 countries. (Italy,Poland)

Given names
Leszek Siejda (3)
Magdalena Siejda (2)
Stanislaw Siejda (2)
Helena Siejda (2)
Anna Siejda (2)
Henryka Siejda (1)
Jolanta Siejda (1)
Maria Siejda (1)
Wieslaw Siejda (1)
Krzysztof Siejda (1)
Jan Siejda (1)
Danuta Siejda (1)
Dorota Siejda (1)
Henryk Siejda (1)
Aniela Siejda (1)

Surname Siejda in Poland   

Siejda reversed is Adjeis
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Isjead Iejasd Sjedia Aijdes Esidja Iesjad Jaesdi Seidaj Djasei Iesdaj
Misspells: Siejdo Ssiejda Syejda Sjejda Sieida Seejda Siejdaa Seijda Siejad Siedja

Rhymes: cicada theta zeta data beta

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: Poland United States Germany Italy

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