Statistics and meaning of name Sigmundsdottir

We have no records about Sigmundsdottir being used as firstname.
Surname Sigmundsdottir is used at least 9 times in at least 3 countries.

      Surname Sigmundsdottir
Given names
Tinna Sigmundsdottir (2)
Johanna Sigmundsdottir (1)
Olof Sigmundsdottir (1)
Huldis Sigmundsdottir (1)
Eyglo Sigmundsdottir (1)
Margret Sigmundsdottir (1)
Aldis Sigmundsdottir (1)

Sigmundsdottir reversed is Rittodsdnumgis
Name contains 14 letters - 28.57% vowels and 71.43% consonants.

Misspells: Sigmundsdottil Sigmundsdottirr Ssigmundsdottir Sygmundsdottir Sjgmundsdottir Segmundsdottir Sigmundsdottira Sgimundsdottir Sigmundsdottri Sigmundsdotitr

Rhymes: Finnbogadottir astir bestir stir transfer inter amateur confer concur

Meaning of this name is unknown.
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