Statistics and meaning of name Sillem

We have no records about Sillem being used as firstname.
Surname Sillem is used at least 81 times in at least 9 countries.

      Surname Sillem
Given names
Louisa Sillem (4)
Catherine Sillem (4)
Jeremy Sillem (4)
Dawn Sillem (2)
Diane Sillem (2)
Marie Sillem (2)
Maurits Sillem (2)
David Sillem (2)
Judith Sillem (2)
Arthur Sillem (2)
Constantine Sillem (2)
Olive Sillem (1)
Nicholas Sillem (1)
Ruth Sillem (1)
Caroline Sillem (1)
Ernst Sillem (1)
Christophe Sillem (1)
Bernard Sillem (1)
Barbara Sillem (1)
Haydn Sillem (1)
Ethel Sillem (1)
Andrew Sillem (1)
Mackenzie Sillem (1)
Anthony Sillem (1)
Gerrit Sillem (1)
Lesley Sillem (1)
Masha Sillem (1)

Sillem reversed is Mellis
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Milels Lsielm Slieml Ilseml
Misspells: Ssillem Syllem Sjllem Sellem Sillema Slilem Sillme Silelm

Rhymes: Belem Clem Harlem Jerusalem Moslem Salem emblem serum theorem villain bouillon penicillin

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States United Kingdom Germany Netherlands Canada Switzerland Europe Ireland Oman Australia Poland Thailand Russian Federation France Kenya Belgium Japan Sri Lanka


Famous people: Henrik Sillem, Aelred Sillem

Writers: M. Sillem, Peter Sillem, C. H. Wilh Sillem, Jérome Alexandre Sillem

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or about the origins of this name?
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