Statistics and meaning of name Slavitescu
We have no records about Slavitescu being used as firstname.
Surname Slavitescu is used at least 28 times in at least 2 countries. (Romania,France)
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Given names
Ion Slavitescu (5) Andrei Slavitescu (3) Ilie Slavitescu (3) Maria Slavitescu (2) Gelu Slavitescu (1) Adinel Slavitescu (1) Ionut Slavitescu (1) Mihaela Slavitescu (1) Stefan Slavitescu (1) Sebastian Slavitescu (1) Marin Slavitescu (1) Marian Slavitescu (1) Florin Slavitescu (1) Mariana Slavitescu (1) Ana Slavitescu (1) Nicolae Slavitescu (1) Petre Slavitescu (1) |
![Surname Slavitescu in France Surname Slavitescu in France](/img/France/Slavitescu.jpg)
Slavitescu reversed is Ucsetivals
Name contains 10 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Lsisvautce Vilsetcusa Vlesaticus Ceisvalsut
Misspells: Slovitescu Sslavitescu Slavytescu Slabitescu Slavjtescu Slavetescu Slavitescua Salvitescu Slavitesuc Slavitecsu
Rhymes: Ceausescu haiku zaju camaieu sinu hierzu
Meaning of name Slavitescu is: from the word 'slavit' = 'blissful' plus the suffix '-escu' ; see also the toponymic name ''
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Domains - FREE - FREE - FREE - FREE | Old Wiki Name: Slavitescu Language: Romanian Meaning: 1. from the word slăvit = blissful plus the suffix -escu ; see also the toponymic name Slăviteşti 2. from the name Slavita plus the suffix -escu Comments: 1. Slăvitescu , 2. Slăviţescu |
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