Statistics and meaning of name Somosan
We have no records about Somosan being used as firstname.
Surname Somosan is used at least 27 times in at least 3 countries.
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Given names
Ioan Somosan (6) Dorel Somosan (3) Aurel Somosan (2) Petru Somosan (2) Gheorghe Somosan (2) Florin Somosan (2) Simion Somosan (1) Ingenieur Somosan (1) Varinia Somosan (1) Maria Somosan (1) Elena Somosan (1) Ilie Somosan (1) Marioara Somosan (1) Mihai Somosan (1) |
Somosan reversed is Nasomos
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.
Anagrams: Smonoas Osmoans Ososnam Omnoass Nosmoas Naosmos
Misspells: Somoson Ssomosan Somosana Smoosan Somosna Somoasn
Rhymes: Formosan Arkansan Kansan Khoisan Nisan frozen chosen cozen refrozen motion
Meaning of name Somosan is: the same as [Somesan]; Somoşan
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Domains - REGISTERED - REGISTERED - FREE - REGISTERED | Old Wiki Name: Somosan Language: Romanian Meaning: the same as Somesan Comments: Somoşan |
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