Statistics and meaning of name Sondered
We have no records about Sondered being used as firstname.
Surname Sondered is used at least 8 times in at least 2 countries. (Sweden,Belgium)
Given names
Rune Sondered (1) Viola Sondered (1) Tony Sondered (1) Ragnar Sondered (1) Mai Sondered (1) Anette Sondered (1) |
Sondered reversed is Derednos
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.
Anagrams: Oddernes
Misspells: Sondeled Sonderred Ssondered Sondereda Snodered Sonderde Sondeerd
Rhymes: bewildered blundered bordered bouldered chowdered cindered considered wandered pondered squandered conjured cantered
Meaning of this name is unknown.
David Sondered says: The meaning of the name is an alternative spelling of. A placename (Sandered). When the family wanted to take the name Sandered it was denied as there already was a family with this name. There are four members of this family living in Belgium: David Sondered Natasja Sondered-Vermeulen Iain Sondered Connor Sondered
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