Statistics and meaning of name Sottomayor

Usage: 5% firstname, 95% surname.
Sottomayor first name was found 2 times in 1 different countries. (USA)
Surname Sottomayor is used at least 36 times in at least 6 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 索托马约尔 (pinyin: suǒ tuō mǎ yāo ěr)

      Surname Sottomayor
Given names
Maria Sottomayor (6)
Carlos Sottomayor (4)
Miguel Sottomayor (2)
Jorge Sottomayor (2)
Jose Sottomayor (2)
Luis Sottomayor (1)
Mariana Sottomayor (1)
Ruy Sottomayor (1)
Vasco Sottomayor (1)
Joao Sottomayor (1)
Pedro Sottomayor (1)
Antonio Sottomayor (1)
Alain Sottomayor (1)
Susana Sottomayor (1)
Louise Sottomayor (1)
Alexandre Sottomayor (1)
Alfredo Sottomayor (1)
Duarte Sottomayor (1)
Bernardo Sottomayor (1)
Joana Sottomayor (1)

Sottomayor reversed is Royamottos
Name contains 10 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Toosamoryt Rtostoomya Omoorsytta
Misspells: Sottomoyor Sottomayol Sottomayorr Ssottomayor Sottomaior Sottomayora Stotomayor Sottomayro Sottomaoyr

Rhymes: mayor Pryor conveyor purveyor surveyor footsore superstore furthermore heretofore guarantor

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Portugal Romania Germany Bulgaria Estonia Italy Europe Greece Canada


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