Statistics and meaning of name Sourlier

We have no records about Sourlier being used as firstname.
Surname Sourlier is used at least 28 times in at least 2 countries. (France,Switzerland)
Name written with Chinese letters: 苏利耶 (pinyin: sū lì yé)

Given names
Michel Sourlier (2)
Patricia Sourlier (2)
Franck Sourlier (1)
Manuel Sourlier (1)
Nicolas Sourlier (1)
Veronique Sourlier (1)
Denis Sourlier (1)
Susanne Sourlier (1)
Jacqueline Sourlier (1)
Miriam Sourlier (1)
Pascal Sourlier (1)
Dominique Sourlier (1)
Albert Sourlier (1)
Marc Sourlier (1)
Fabrice Sourlier (1)
Julien Sourlier (1)
Valerie Sourlier (1)
Lucette Sourlier (1)
Katia Sourlier (1)
Patrick Sourlier (1)

Surname Sourlier in France   Surname Sourlier in Switzerland   

Sourlier reversed is Reilruos
Name contains 8 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Rsuorlei Eurilors Riuslero Eosurirl
Misspells: Soullier Sourrlier Ssourlier Sourlyer Sourljer Sourleer Sourliera Suorlier Sourlire Sourleir

Rhymes: burlier curlier earlier gnarlier nearlier pearlier surlier jowlier rowdier dowdier frowzier goutier

Meaning of this name is unknown.

David Sourlier says: Bedeutung des Namens "Sourlier": sourd à lier = unfähig zu kommunizieren / alter Ausdruck für "taubstumm"
David Sourlier says: Herkunft des Namens "Sourlier": Metz (Frankreich)

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