Statistics and meaning of name Spotton

Usage: 6% firstname, 94% surname.
Spotton first name was found 2 times in 1 different countries. (USA)
Surname Spotton is used at least 27 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,Canada)

Given names
Russell Spotton (1)
Laverne Spotton (1)
Robert Spotton (1)
Larry Spotton (1)
James Spotton (1)
Ronald Spotton (1)
Michael Spotton (1)

Surname Spotton in USA   

Spotton reversed is Nottops
Name contains 7 letters - 28.57% vowels and 71.43% consonants.

Anagrams: Ttopons Pontots Tnotsop Noptots Tosnopt
Misspells: Sspotton Spottona Soptton Spottno Spototn

Rhymes: Cotton cotton Benetton Hutton Litton Patton forgotten gotten rotten unforgotten

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Canada Australia Iran China Pakistan


Famous people: George Spotton, John Spotton

Writers: Brenda Spotton Visano, Henry Bryon Spotton, H. B. Spotton

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