Statistics and meaning of name Squarzolo

We have no records about Squarzolo being used as firstname.
Surname Squarzolo is used at least 24 times in at least 2 countries. (Canada,Italy)
Name written with Chinese letters: 斯夸尔佐洛 (pinyin: sī kuā ěr zuǒ Luò)

Given names
Vittorio Squarzolo (2)
Leonilde Squarzolo (1)
Graziano Squarzolo (1)
Marino Squarzolo (1)
Marzia Squarzolo (1)
Roberto Squarzolo (1)
Giuliano Squarzolo (1)
Gaudenzio Squarzolo (1)
Aristide Squarzolo (1)
Alice Squarzolo (1)
Daniela Squarzolo (1)
Enza Squarzolo (1)
Franco Squarzolo (1)
Fernando Squarzolo (1)
Mike Squarzolo (1)

Surname Squarzolo in Italy   

Squarzolo reversed is Olozrauqs
Name contains 9 letters - 44.44% vowels and 55.56% consonants.

Anagrams: Roqaolzus Rasulqozo
Misspells: Squorzolo Squalzolo Squarrzolo Ssquarzolo Sguarzolo Squarzoloa Suqarzolo Squarzool Squarzloo

Rhymes: Colo Niccolo Polo gigolo piccolo polo solo photo cocoa como

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Canada Italy Japan United Kingdom

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