Statistics and meaning of name Stalhand

We have no records about Stalhand being used as firstname.
Surname Stalhand is used at least 69 times in at least 4 countries.

      Surname Stalhand
Given names
Johanna Stalhand (2)
Sara Stalhand (2)
Mimmie Stalhand (2)
Espen Stalhand (2)
Dagrun Stalhand (2)
Gunnar Stalhand (2)
Torkel Stalhand (2)
Kerstin Stalhand (1)
Linn Stalhand (1)
Louvisa Stalhand (1)
Hubert Stalhand (1)
Kai Stalhand (1)
Inga Stalhand (1)
Joakim Stalhand (1)
Jocke Stalhand (1)
Malin Stalhand (1)
Ingrid Stalhand (1)
Johan Stalhand (1)
Nikolina Stalhand (1)
Susanna Stalhand (1)
Stina Stalhand (1)
Sven Stalhand (1)
Wilma Stalhand (1)
Yvon Stalhand (1)
Stig Stalhand (1)
Sofie Stalhand (1)
Henrik Stalhand (1)
Mattias Stalhand (1)
Osten Stalhand (1)
Per Stalhand (1)
Pia Stalhand (1)
Marita Stalhand (1)
Helena Stalhand (1)
Kurt Stalhand (1)
Hilde Stalhand (1)
Marius Stalhand (1)
Svein Stalhand (1)
Inger Stalhand (1)
Turid Stalhand (1)
Veronica Stalhand (1)
Stein Stalhand (1)
Adrien Stalhand (1)
Alexis Stalhand (1)
Bernard Stalhand (1)
Eli Stalhand (1)
Maria Stalhand (1)
Agneta Stalhand (1)
Alexander Stalhand (1)
Eva Stalhand (1)
Ethel Stalhand (1)
Felicia Stalhand (1)
Goran Stalhand (1)
Jean Stalhand (1)
Emelie Stalhand (1)
Elin Stalhand (1)
Annika Stalhand (1)
Anna Stalhand (1)
Ann Stalhand (1)
Borje Stalhand (1)
Carina Stalhand (1)
Helene Stalhand (1)

Surname Stalhand in Norway   

Stalhand reversed is Dnahlats
Name contains 8 letters - 25.00% vowels and 75.00% consonants.

Misspells: Stolhand Sstalhand Stalhanda Satlhand Stalhadn Stalhnad

Rhymes: backhand beforehand cowhand deckhand farmhand firsthand forehand happened abandoned valid challenged fashioned

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Sweden France Netherlands Finland United Kingdom Norway Europe

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or about the origins of this name?
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