Statistics and meaning of name Stanea

We have no records about Stanea being used as firstname.
Surname Stanea is used at least 136 times in at least 3 countries.
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 斯塔内亚 (pinyin: sī tǎ nèi yà)

      Surname Stanea
Given names
Ioan Stanea (17)
Gheorghe Stanea (10)
Simion Stanea (7)
Maria Stanea (6)
Nicolae Stanea (6)
Mihai Stanea (5)
Vasile Stanea (4)
Mihaila Stanea (4)
Virgil Stanea (4)
Radu Stanea (3)
Petru Stanea (3)
Mircea Stanea (2)
Octavian Stanea (2)
Valeriu Stanea (2)
Tatiana Stanea (2)
Victoria Stanea (2)
Ion Stanea (2)
Virginia Stanea (2)
Dumitru Stanea (2)
Visalon Stanea (2)
Carolina Stanea (2)
Aurel Stanea (2)
Eugenia Stanea (2)
Filimon Stanea (2)
Rodica Stanea (2)
Viorel Stanea (2)
Izidor Stanea (2)
Georgina Stanea (2)
Amalia Stanea (2)
Viorica Stanea (1)
Mihaela Stanea (1)
Gligor Stanea (1)
Dorel Stanea (1)
Doina Stanea (1)
Cornel Stanea (1)
Ileana Stanea (1)
Laurentiu Stanea (1)
Octovian Stanea (1)
Nicusor Stanea (1)
Adriana Stanea (1)
Mariana Stanea (1)
Rafila Stanea (1)

Surname Stanea in USA   

Stanea reversed is Aenats
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Tanase Snaeta Atneas Astena Tasnae Naaset Satean Enasat Tasean
Misspells: Stonea Sstanea Staneaa Satnea Stanae Staena

Rhymes: Guinea cornea guinea peritonea striae stria podia perinea alia

Meaning of name Stanea is: the same as [Stani] ; see also the name [Stan] plus the suffix '-ea'
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Romania Qatar


Old Wiki
Name: Stanea
Language: Romanian
Meaning: the same as Stani ; see also the name Stan plus the suffix -ea

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