Statistics and meaning of name Stapenhorst

We have no records about Stapenhorst being used as firstname.
Surname Stapenhorst is used at least 77 times in at least 6 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 施塔彭霍斯特 (pinyin: shī tǎ Péng huò sī té)

      Surname Stapenhorst
Given names
Annette Stapenhorst (3)
Kurd Stapenhorst (2)
Ludwig Stapenhorst (1)
Manfred Stapenhorst (1)
Joachim Stapenhorst (1)
Volker Stapenhorst (1)
Wolfgang Stapenhorst (1)
Wilfried Stapenhorst (1)
Ingrid Stapenhorst (1)
Peter Stapenhorst (1)
Fritz Stapenhorst (1)
Claudia Stapenhorst (1)
Birgit Stapenhorst (1)
Luise Stapenhorst (1)
Dieter Stapenhorst (1)
Dirk Stapenhorst (1)
Erwin Stapenhorst (1)
Elisabeth Stapenhorst (1)
Heiko Stapenhorst (1)

Surname Stapenhorst in Germany   Surname Stapenhorst in USA   

Stapenhorst reversed is Tsrohnepats
Name contains 11 letters - 27.27% vowels and 72.73% consonants.

Misspells: Stopenhorst Stapenholst Stapenhorrst Sstapenhorst Stapenhorsta Satpenhorst Stapenhorts Stapenhosrt

Rhymes: worst Amherst Hearst Hurst Pankhurst burst cloudburst unenforced reinforced enforced divorced unforced

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany Brazil Canada Hungary Thailand Greece Switzerland Japan United Kingdom


Books: "Gunther Stapenhorst"

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