Statistics and meaning of name Stavropol
Usage: 5% firstname, 95% surname.
Stavropol first name was found 2 times in 2 different countries. (USA,Greece)
Surname Stavropol is used at least 33 times in at least 5 countries.
Origin of this name is Greek.
Name written with Chinese letters: 斯塔夫罗波尔 (pinyin: sī tǎ fū luō bō ěr)
Given names
Misu Stavropol (2) Valentin Stavropol (2) Mihail Stavropol (1) Victoria Stavropol (1) Cristina Stavropol (1) Grigore Stavropol (1) Lidia Stavropol (1) Claudia Stavropol (1) |
Stavropol reversed is Loporvats
Name contains 9 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.
Anagrams: Alvosropt Orlapsovt Lporsovta
Misspells: Stovropol Stavlopol Stavrropol Sstavropol Stabropol Stavropola Satvropol Stavroplo Stavroopl
Rhymes: Sevastopol Interpol pol systole quadrupole patrol stole stroll
Meaning of name Stavropol is: from the Greek name [Stayropulos]
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Domains - REGISTERED - REGISTERED - REGISTERED - FREE | Old Wiki Name: Stavropol Language: Romanian Origin: Greek Meaning: from the Greek name Stayropulos Comments: |
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