Statistics and meaning of name Steblea

We have no records about Steblea being used as firstname.
Surname Steblea is used at least 41 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,Romania)
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 斯泰布莱亚 (pinyin: sī tài bù lái yà)

Given names
Gheorghe Steblea (8)
Ioan Steblea (6)
Constantin Steblea (4)
Nicolae Steblea (3)
Lucia Steblea (2)
Maria Steblea (2)
Ion Steblea (2)
Tamara Steblea (1)
Traian Steblea (1)
Aurelia Steblea (1)
Iacob Steblea (1)
Ilie Steblea (1)
Alexandru Steblea (1)

Steblea reversed is Aelbets
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Setabel Bleteas Teabels Laebset Atsebel Aetlebs Besaetl
Misspells: Stebleo Ssteblea Stebleaa Setblea Steblae Stebela

Rhymes: azalea cochlea flea lea mausolea plea debris ftp spree sultrier shoetree

Meaning of name Steblea is: from the word '' = '1. stalk , 2. fascicle'
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Old Wiki
Name: Steblea
Language: Romanian
Meaning: from the word steblă = 1. stalk , 2. fascicle plus the suffix -ea
Comments: Şteblea

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