Statistics and meaning of name Stevaux
We have no records about Stevaux being used as firstname.
Surname Stevaux is used at least 46 times in at least 5 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 斯特沃 (pinyin: sī té wò)
Given names
Andre Stevaux (2) Laurence Stevaux (2) Christine Stevaux (1) Martina Stevaux (1) Roger Stevaux (1) Christiane Stevaux (1) Germaine Stevaux (1) Catherine Stevaux (1) Benoit Stevaux (1) Yolande Stevaux (1) Emmanuelle Stevaux (1) Daniel Stevaux (1) Bernadette Stevaux (1) Jean Stevaux (1) Laurent Stevaux (1) Karen Stevaux (1) Stephane Stevaux (1) Yves Stevaux (1) |
Stevaux reversed is Xuavets
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.
Anagrams: Vaetuxs Texvuas Axevsut Xutaevs Uxasvet Vusxeta
Misspells: Stevoux Sstevaux Stebaux Stevauxa Setvaux Stevaxu Stevuax
Rhymes: Bordeaux Lascaux Malraux beaux bureaux châteaux plateaux below bestow vertigo fatso borzoi
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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