Statistics and meaning of name Stipala

We have no records about Stipala being used as firstname.
Surname Stipala is used at least 21 times in at least 3 countries.

      Surname Stipala
Given names
Katherine Stipala (3)
Peter Stipala (3)
Jan Stipala (3)
Ivan Stipala (2)
Dusan Stipala (2)
Jaroslav Stipala (1)
Jozef Stipala (1)
Milan Stipala (1)
Radovan Stipala (1)
Juraj Stipala (1)
Kristina Stipala (1)
Jane Stipala (1)
Ludovit Stipala (1)

Stipala reversed is Alapits
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Sitapla Paitlas Patsali Tiaplas Atsipla Altaips Laaspit
Misspells: Stipola Sstipala Stypala Stjpala Stepala Stipalaa Sitpala Stipaal Stiplaa

Rhymes: Kampala impala Ayala Douala Guatemala Gujranwala Haleakala corolla tiara pajama sonata drama

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Stipala Ivan says: The name originates in the Czech Republic and in Slovakia, written Štípala (pron. shteepala)&Derived from verb štípat meaning to split, or ancient meaning to castrate cattle

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States United Kingdom Slovakia Canada Romania Sweden


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