Statistics and meaning of name Stirceanu

We have no records about Stirceanu being used as firstname.
Surname Stirceanu is used at least 30 times in at least 1 countries. (Romania)
Origin of this name is Romanian.

Given names
Ion Stirceanu (4)
Elena Stirceanu (3)
Petre Stirceanu (3)
Ana Stirceanu (2)
Livia Stirceanu (2)
Florica Stirceanu (2)
Vasile Stirceanu (2)
Nicolie Stirceanu (2)
Romulus Stirceanu (1)
Steliana Stirceanu (1)
Ionut Stirceanu (1)
Dumitra Stirceanu (1)
Elisabeta Stirceanu (1)
Gheorghe Stirceanu (1)
Nicolae Stirceanu (1)

Stirceanu reversed is Unaecrits
Name contains 9 letters - 44.44% vowels and 55.56% consonants.

Anagrams: Cutraneis Siucarent
Misspells: Stirceonu Stilceanu Stirrceanu Sstirceanu Styrceanu Stjrceanu Sterceanu Stirceanua Sitrceanu Stirceaun Stircenau

Rhymes: virtue purview curfew curlew worldview

Meaning of name Stirceanu is: from the toponymic names plus the suffix '-eanu'
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Old Wiki
Name: Stirceanu
Language: Romanian
Meaning: from the toponymic names Stârci , Stârcea , Stârcul plus the suffix -eanu
Comments: Stîrceanu

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