Statistics and meaning of name Stottan

We have no records about Stottan being used as firstname.
Surname Stottan is used at least 21 times in at least 3 countries.

      Surname Stottan
Given names
Peter Stottan (2)
Monika Stottan (1)
Philipp Stottan (1)
Andreas Stottan (1)
Valeria Stottan (1)
Hubert Stottan (1)
Maria Stottan (1)
Katharina Stottan (1)
Erika Stottan (1)
Bettina Stottan (1)
Friedrich Stottan (1)
Gabriele Stottan (1)
Josef Stottan (1)
Gustav Stottan (1)
Angelika Stottan (1)

Surname Stottan in Austria   

Stottan reversed is Nattots
Name contains 7 letters - 28.57% vowels and 71.43% consonants.

Anagrams: Ttotans Tontats Tnotsat Nattots Tasnott
Misspells: Stotton Sstottan Stottana Sotttan Stottna Stotatn

Rhymes: Manhattan rattan Afghanistan Augustan Baluchistan Bhutan Cretan cotton forgotten gotten rotten unforgotten

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Austria Thailand Germany Czech Republic Russian Federation Europe Serbia


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