Statistics and meaning of name Stroil

We have no records about Stroil being used as firstname.
Surname Stroil is used at least 28 times in at least 4 countries.

      Surname Stroil
Given names
Rizah Stroil (2)
Latif Stroil (2)
Rasid Stroil (2)
Zuhra Stroil (1)
Zehbo Stroil (1)
Vejsil Stroil (1)
Adela Stroil (1)
Adnan Stroil (1)
Mujo Stroil (1)
Elvedina Stroil (1)
Samir Stroil (1)
Bedrija Stroil (1)
Hamdija Stroil (1)
Esad Stroil (1)
Hamed Stroil (1)
Kasim Stroil (1)
Ekrem Stroil (1)
Naza Stroil (1)
Enes Stroil (1)

Surname Stroil in USA   

Stroil reversed is Liorts
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Tsorli Trolsi Soritl Ltoirs
Misspells: Stloil Strroil Sstroil Stroyl Strojl Stroel Stroila Srtoil Stroli Striol

Rhymes: broil charbroil embroil roil spoil trefoil

Meaning of name Stroil is: was built
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Bosnia and Herzegovina Germany Iraq Serbia France Poland Macedonia China Thailand Sweden Australia Austria


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